I actually trained in engineering, information technology and anything but art. All because of the way my art teacher criticised me so badly that I thought I wasn’t good enough to follow my dream.
trained in graphic design at Brooklands college in Weybridge. Whilst being a full-time mum to four beautiful children. Personal life events took me on what felt like the longest roller coaster ride ever.
Testimony Snippets
I understand that so many people struggle to share things about themselves. I am a contradiction of myself. I overshare but get anxiety about over sharing so find certain social situations very difficult to navigate. Writing has been a brilliant way for me express myself and process a lot of things in my life. Phillipians 4;13 says – I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
In 2016 I was diagnosed with ADHD but thanks to that I got the help I needed to help me achieve a HNC and HND with full merit in Graphics. Not too long after this I started going back to church.
I was brought up as a christian like many others. I drifted away in my teens. Spending over twenty years of my life living in the world. It can be such a cruel place! Experiencing one traumatic life event after another. Blaming myself. Always feeling guilty. I always felt like I was a bad person because bad things always happened to me. None of it ever made sense to me. I never felt any sense of belonging. Nowhere really felt like home and I felt like I didn’t fit in anywhere. It’s no wonder that my mental health suffered so much. I’m sure some of you will relate in one way or another.
I have so many stories to tell and I am going to share some of them in a mini blog series called #TestimonySnippets . The aim is to share what I have learnt along the way. My intention is to bring inspiration to others. Through sharing my experiences and scripture prompts that I use for journaling in my bible I hope it will inspire you to be creative or be bold in your faith to use your life journey to help and inspire others too.
The blog
I will be bringing you a variety of creative content based around scripture and christian faith.
Whether you are new to bible journaling or have lots of experience I think there will be something to spark your interest. I have so many ideas and goals that I want to achieve and I will be using this blog to document and share my journey, to inspire myself and others.
Self acceptance is a huge thing. It’s really hard to achieve for some people. Maybe it’s an age thing but for me it came along the same time as my faith in God. Everything I learnt as a child that didn’t make sense just kept clicking into place. Day by day. Layer by layer. Prayer by prayer and the continual journey of healing.
This is more than just a blog. It’s going to be so many things that one day I hope it will be more of a community. Where everyone in it is never afraid or ashamed to share and be themselves.
Welcome to christianitive
Even the bitterest fruit has sugar in it.
– Terry a O’Neal

The trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit.
– Molière